Pictures and memory

What are pictures if not memory. I still have my old printed picture in a box and unorganized such a pity. And if I can’t deal with all my old pictures what makes sense to make even more when digital is even more tedious to deal with. And now a days everybody makes there on pictures of there life and share them as easy as they make them. which I think is a good thing because we are learning to be selective in our own ways.  But where to store all these pictures and what to do with them? I like the idea of the app my cousin told me about the youth is using it now ‘Snapchat’. It lets you send pictures to friends and the picture disappears seconds after, gone puff only to remain in your memory!!

I ran this time three intervals 10 x 20 x 10 min with in-between 4 min walk + taking pictures. It was so sunny and hot I just could run in my T-shirt. But running in the sun got me tired so I was happy when I reached the forest took a while to enjoying the cool breeze and shade. Did some stretching while I searched for the same spotlight in the woods I had taken before but the sun was too strong today I think it is something that occurs only with a specific angle and intensity of sunlight. And then I can prove to you these wood looks a whole lot different then they did last time I ran here on the 1st of April. So this is why we take pictures because we see things we have never seen and we want to remember them because next time we see them they will be different. But is it not enough to store them in our memory? For me pictures make me think and reflect just like writing does. They show me what I have seen but in a whole new light.

I also reached an amazing view of the dunes valley I had to run up hills and down but it was all worth the view. And ran faster too as if the sun gives you energy. And I reached what I will name the valley of the easter bunnies I came across like 6 rabbits just hopping by. And all beautiful places have less beautiful sides to them on the other extreme of the dunes we have Ijmuiden and the steal factory that pollutes the air and landscape I wonder what this installment is if you can see it in the picture. Looks like some measuring instruments.

And to finish of my path I came across a small snake that made me jump back wards thinking I was going to step on it I was concentrated on my running I guess. I don’t think this one was deadly I have seen deadly ones my self on a snake island Gorgona in Colombia and then you really want to be careful. And this one wasn’t scared of me he let me take a few pictures close.



One thought on “Pictures and memory”

  1. Ica, what you saw on your road is a Slow worm. It is a completely harmless lizzard wthout legs, that looks like a snake. They like to take a sunbath on roads (where they are sometimes overrun by bikes).

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